Friday, May 14, 2004


years gone by
hopeless pokings and skidaddlings
fizzles and canoe paddlings
in a sea of motion and nausea

you speak of nothing
and nothing glees
a little shadow over your heart

buddha and kharma
dharma and divinity infinity
the enlightened ones released
it's an orgasmic god that rages inside the mind
of the free
who are lost without their humanity

a mirror glimpsed shattered aching heads
and we putter around in our fraggle rock houses
waiting for the madonna to show us the way
eating so many sugar canes
the structure bound to collapse
and crush our childish faith

sometimes when I listen to Jack when he regales
his indulgent and wise suffering
and i think that if it is all for nothing
and all life is suffering
I still want my whirlwind adventure
where I blindly turn corners
and Chinese finger traps trick me into thinking
that this enchilada was created for me
that I am important in this alphabet soup can
My ikon, the letter S, Stands for Something

Aleph Bet
the word
hebrew letters to mean a womb, mother and father
I insist
God is me
especially when I embody the male
deep inside where the hollow resides
and a spark becomes a purple red softness
thicke and reserved

Sunday, May 2, 2004

yellow and white

daffodils and plumeria when we're spring we gather

the true path of the crown shows a kingdom within
white flowing robes of princes and nymphs
clouds and dust subjected to whims
holy rooms with cotton rugs and incense in the corner
spiraling smoke like the snake so charmed rises out of a basket
in the middle of your pelvis
sway...sway...sway my dearest whole!kindreds, my brothers my sister!s
with white comes clean thoughts wiped of negativity by your strong brown hands of earthGod

the yellow confides...whispers a coy chuckle at us... at our endeavors to be only so pure only so engulfed by the baptismal cascade of white waterfalls

wandering yellow...painted sun on the paper...the warmth and pain of living...bringing us memories
and hope

earnest sprites of the trees...they dance around naked and yellow...and I hear chimes and I'm reminded of the white

round and full like a halo or a breath

white, the moon, the crown chakra, the purity essence, the holiness, the purity, the cleanliness, the stillness, the peace, the rest, the waiting to hold your form within to make silver, and dreamtimes, and offreality, the transcendence, and the Gods, and the end

yellow, the sun, the solar plexus, the warmth and reality of living, the brightness, the joy, the emotions, the action, the journey, the noise walking makes, the light, the beginning.