Friday, August 11, 2017

One Vessel

In a sacred grove
We are fairy nobles
Gleaming golden crowns gilded by kindness
Holding staffs of insight
that glow gently with warmly lit orbs

It is here
The wounded seek us out
And lay their weary burdens at our feet
We offer tenderness fueled by a river of compassion
and seek our kingdom’s treasure in each healing transcendence

In a ​dense and uncharted​ forest
We are ​​weathered adventurers ​
Soaring along the valley's limbs
Jumping off cliffs and gliding like parrots to the ground
We light fires and pound drums and laugh and scream into the face of​ night’s madness​

It is here, you and I
Seek courage in the roar of ​wild things​
Fierce with purpose
Unleashed by powerful breath and
An unbridled heart
Nobly seeking to lead and be led
In the serenity of pools and gardens
We lay and lapse into sheer contentedness
The touch of smooth skinned shoulders
The brush of your coarse beard against my cheek
Peace and tranquility interrupted only by
The bubbling brook of laughter

It is here, you and I
tend to one another gently, devotedly
testing and teasing out the locks of rusting prison doors,
coaxing the tumbling of mountainous fearful walls we built within

In a sacred grove, in an uncharted forest
and among serene pools
Wherever I find myself with you
There is a binding magic
where love pours forth
from one vessel

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

rolling their eyes

you hesitate
you cringe
you hold your head and push
push into the pressure
to relieve like with like
to meet my stubborn prow that is endangering your
and push it back
push it away

i persist
i thrive on my anguish
it fills me like a sack of knives
that I want to fling at the door
one at a time
they stick in
and i know my words are sharp
i know they stick without cartoonish sound
they agitate both you and me
with their relentlessness
into my head
with a steel cable,
and it ain’t going no where.

so how do we do
love now?
how do we reach back into that
playful space
that resting peace
that feeling of love that soothes like popsicles,
the jingle of change
and someone’s warm hand oozing prana into your cold?
the heated diffuse
feeling of ahhhhhh….

all of that is sitting on the stairs
rolling its eyes at us
why... again
why now?
when will they learn
there is better choreography for this
there are better love bytes, sound bytes, sexual bytes
than this

but at least
they are there
on the stairs
and we will meet them
and, thank heaven
once again
into heart space, our space,
love’s space

Sunday, January 29, 2012


strawberry sweetness
hands open and receiving gifts,
mouths drinking in the surprise
of fruits of labor turned into
a  generous resonance on the tongue,
a refreshed mind
settled in clarity, brimming with hope

strawberry crush
a pit in the stomach
rolling into unexpected softness
it collapses its flesh against untender pressures
weary of time, weary of sun
it fades,
and yields to the elements surrounding
vulnerability a predictable task for delicate fruit
and eternally will succumbs

strawberry passion
belly to belly
together they lie glistening
seeded, heads a tuft of green in disarray
full of intentional bursts of livelihood
in a swallow full of drip down dreams from the sun

strawberry tartness
the sour bite and underdeveloped nature
that skids and swerves and heeds only
adventure and idolatry
instead of poise and promise
sassy and defiant this berry blows its own horn
as its selfish birthright gives not an inch of satisfaction
instead leaves one hesitant to explore
any further commitments to a life so un(for)giving

strawberry pie
sloshes and warms its gooey innards
satisfied by the binding heat to be come together
this is the summertime when skies are clear
and breezes are drifting fresh linens
it is crumbling and buttery and the sweetness of exploration
the satiation unbeatable, the pretense of being lost in goodness
while never having to lose something good

strawberry essence
a collaboration and coalescing of possibility
aim, desire, failure, predictability and razor sharp intuition
that when fully grown feels the incredulity of existence,
fearful of atrophy and the power of neglect
while acutely yearning to bear its most beautiful gifts
upon the widespread fields of green.

Monday, November 21, 2011

a smile in the sky

Ephemeral pheremones...

position entranced
burgeoning a mask of faith
a side step two sway
anger deals the cards
and the joker laughs

something full and white
negative grace
circle me and drown out the positrons
draw me into your black hole so I know of the depths

satisfied mind flushed with endorphins
sinking into the washing tub
steam and wringing towels around wet hair
pale toes, a delicate endeavor
to begin anew

grasping tight and giving up
the step forward delayed as you silence your desire
by mimicking the master plan
fulfilled and unanswerable
but always in the right
you guide me

beckoning night
show me mercy

Sunday, November 20, 2011


snow and black rock
showing sparseness and boldness in equal measure
how does the trumpeting blankness of color divide the territorial blackness of the soul?
fated breaths blow and scatter the ice crystal sands.
Even as they are soft weighted footprints,
they are no more welcoming to my hands with their impartial temperatures
than the haphazardly hewn and jutting blunders formed by hardships.
At times it is darkness that offers more transparency to my view.

Yet it is in the vacant lightness of air and water (even slowly as their elements are moving) that I find my malleability.
it is child's play to turn a white landscape holy.
borrowing wings and the ethereal glow needed to transcend this earth
snow and black rock exist neutral to my questioning
and if that is Zen Mind I Seek It.
polarized between the sinking depths of pure and frigid realizations
and the surface level of a rudimentary and sharply discovered ignorance

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My heart is poisoned with a drip line of
this questionable string of truths
heavy as weighted sand bags on the
ankles of a swimmer in the deep ocean
careening with the tide
a bauble
at the mercy of the Sea God
proud and dangerous with his
trident- ready to strike at knee jerk reflex

the cyclone prepares its own

rough throat of passion unspoken
my injured mind vibrates a disruptive symphony
deafening, weakening, stomach churning

Dare I take the reins again?
Barely keeping the stitches in my
heart from busting open
sleep in peaceful gardens is a distant hope,
rumbling across the ragged pavement of violent deconstruction

Sunday, May 30, 2010

For Aphrodite- the sensual lover

I want to forgive myself for deeds done
selfish confusing hurtful indulgent

I seem to be sending out love in multi-directions
to one man devoted
to another who behaves selfishly as I do

add in the allure of motherhood
these babies of young women
the neediness, the responsibility, the beauty, the miracle

how could I celebrate that now
when my life is at the helm?
waiting for direction
waiting for the signal to follow the path of contentment
and growth-without a soul fracturing

I carry my heart in my hands
a beautiful dark crystal
I carry myself only
I ask forgiveness
I ask for peace.